Recipe: Wush Wush Natural with a Hario V60

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Ethiopian Single Origins as wonderful as Wush Wush Natural deserve a joyful ritual. 

10oz Hario v60 Brew Recipe

18g medium/fine Wush Wush Natural
250g of 190° Water


Wetting your V60 filter beforehand can be a good practice: you can expunge any paper-y taste while warming up the brewer in the process. 

A medium grind is good for Wush Wush, maybe a tad finer than usual. Think table salt grain size. 

The Pour

Place your vessel, your V60, your filter with 18g coffee on your digital scale and tare it out.

Gently pour 50g of 190° water into the middle, rotating in small circles out. Enjoy the bloom.

After 30 seconds since you started (and, yes, a good brew can be aided on a fairly quick pourover), add another 100g of water. Take your time and enjoy the ritual, slowly working in outward circles.

After another 30 seconds, add the final 100g of water. 

Let it drip and enjoy a sip.

by Marketing Team | March 05, 2024

Tagged: brew recipe, brew recipe of the month, brew recipes, hario, natural, recipe